Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Portland Rose Garden

A life with love will have some thorns

but a life without love will have no roses.


Lisa said...

Hi! Got the link to your sight from Pam when you moved to Oregon. We are about between Salem and Portland. We would love to see you guys sometime. Sounds like you are really enjoying Oregon!!!

Scott, Lisa, Skyler and Paris~

Anonymous said...

I miss your mug, dishmeister. xoox

Brandi Reynolds said...

and a big amen to that sister

Anonymous said...

OH! That is a most wonderful rose garden, but it's the drive to the garden that blew me away. Hope you bought some o' that rose scented soap, yo. Da BOMB!

And I miss yous two too!


mccabe said...

beautiful photo and quote.

mac x

The Passionate Palate said...

Wow, that is profound. I love your blog and am so happy that you found me, so that I found you!

Darren Daz Cox said...

wonderful! It's great to be here and feel the inspiration!